As well as capturing stories from dedicated News feeds from companies like Press Association, Myriad News Capture can also capture from normal RSS feeds as provided by many news organisations around the world.
Within News Capture, you add in a new RSS Source to group the feeds, then add in the feeds you want to capture within that Source. You can have multiple RSS Sources in your system so you that can group and process different sets of RSS feeds in different ways.
Setting up RSS Capture
Open the Myriad News Capture v6 software, and on the Security menu click Login. Enter your Username and Password and click OK to enable all of the menu options:
Back on the main News Capture window, click on the Sources menu and click Add News Source to open the News Templates window:
On the News Templates window, on the left hand side, select Available Templates then on the right hand side select Other RSS Feeds and click OK:
Enter a name for the new RSS Source - for example "UKNewsFeeds" and click OK to create the Source and open the News Source Settings window. At the top of the News Source Settings window you can also enter a suitable description for the Source - in this case we have set it as "UK News RSS Feeds". Click Advanced Configuration to open the full source settings:
In the News Source Advanced Settings window, select the Text & Audio tab and in the Text Capture section, click the Add an RSS feed button:
In the RSS Feed window, enter the RSS feed URL - in our example here we have entered the URL for the BBC News UK RSS feed.
Unless you have already pre-created a specified category for this RSS feed, leave the default selection of "RSS" and click OK. You will then be prompted to have a new Category automatically created for you. Click Yes on this message box:
Enter a new for the new category and click OK - we have entered "BBC UK" in the example below.
Note: If you want to edit the settings for this new category, you do this in the normal way via the Story Categories section of the News Database Settings window.
The feed is now shown in the RSS Feeds section of the Source window:
Advanced Category routing:
Note: Due to a bug this feature does not work fully for RSS feed capture in Myriad News Capture v6.3.2 or earlier. This issue has been fixed and will be included in the forthcoming v6.3.3 release. You can subscribe to receive release notifications via
When stories are captured from any source, including RSS Feeds, you can set News Capture to scan the story and if it sees a certain keyword it can re-route that story into a different category. For example, you might add in keywords for local politicians or sports teams and want those stories routed into a dedicated Category instead.
To do this, go on to the Category/Priority Routing tab, select a category on the left-hand side, and on the right-hand side click the Add button. In our example we are adding a keyword match for the Entertainment category:
In the Category Code window, enter the text you want to look for, and select Body and Title for the fields to check and select Anywhere in the field and then click OK:
This will then show the keyword in the list:
Click OK on the Advanced Settings window to save the settings, and then click OK on the News Source Settings window to finish configuring the new Source. You will now see it in the main window:
Testing the source:
By default, RSS feeds are checked every 5 minutes, but you can alter this time from the Advanced Settings window. You should note that many RSS feed providers do not like feeds being accessed too often, so if you set the time to check more frequently then they may rate limit or block your access. If you want to trigger a capture straight away, click the button with the "Play" icon on the right hand side of the source.
As soon as stories are captured you will see them appear in the Capture History at the bottom of the display:
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