OCP SE can be installed on any PC that is connected to both your Myriad network and the Internet. You can install OCP SE on the same machine as Myriad providing that it has access to the web.
To install OCP SE visit:
Click on the Myriad SE Applications button and select OCP SE from the popup list.
This will download the installer files to your standard ‘Downloads’ folder. To install (you will need Admin permissions) simply double click on this installer file.
Follow the on screen instructions and select typical set-up when prompted.
Once the installation process is complete you are ready to launch OCP SE.
Running OCP SE For The First Time
The first time you run OCP SE, you will be informed that no license has been found. Click on the OK button to continue in Evaluation mode, you can add the license later.
If you have Myriad 5 Playout installed on the same PC then OCP SE will automatically detect this and use the same settings to configure itself.
If you have not got Myriad 5 Playout installed on the PC that you are running OCP SE on, you will be asked to set the SQL and Data locations for your central Myriad 5 system.
If you are note sure what these should be, go to a PC that has Myriad 5 Playout configured and check the Settings Menu > Applications Settings. The locations you need can be found on the Data Locations tab.
Adding A Service To OCP SE
Before you can configure Myriad 5 Playout to connect to OCP SE, you need to add a Service to OCP SE that Myriad can connect to.
Click on the File Menu and select Add Service.
Next add in a suitable Service Name.
You can also check the Source Settings tab to ensure Myriad 5 Playout is selected in the 'How will service get it's information' setting.
You can also make a note of the Port that OCP SE will use although this will only need to be altered if you are running multiple services in OCP SE Pro.
When you click on OK, you will see a message confirming the location OCP SE will use for it's log files.
You will also most likely be asked whether you wish to allow OCP SE to be allowed access through your Firewall (assuming you have your Windows Firewall switched on). It is vital that you click on Allow Access.
Setting Up Myriad 5 Playout To Send To OCP SE
Now that OCP SE is configured, it is time to setup Myriad 5 Playout to be able to send information to OCP SE.
In Myriad Playout (logged in with a User account with sufficient permissions to alter the settings), click on Settings Menu > Database Settings > Database Setting then click on the Stations Tab and finally double click on the specific Station you want to setup OCP SE for.
In the Edit Station Settings windows, click on the Connections tab. This tab allows you to setup the connections to a range of Broadcast Radio family products including OCP SE.
Tick the Send 'Now Playing' Information to Myriad OCP SE option and fill in the following parameters.
Computer Name / TCP-IP Address - This needs to be the computer name or IP address of the computer running OCP SE. Please note that this is a station wide setting so you should only set it to 'localhost' if you only have one PC in our setup. If you have more than one Myriad Playout PC you should set this to be the IP address of the PC that is running OCP SE, even if that is the same PC that you are controlling. That way the connection can be established from any Myriad Playout workstation.
OCP Port - This should be set as the same port number used when you setup your Service in the previous section. You only need to use additional 'OCP Ports' if you are running multiple services.
Everything is now configured so you can close the settings windows by clicking on OK.
Testing The Connection
Now that you have configured both OCP SE and Myriad Playout, you can test the connection by clicking on the Off Air / On Air button in Myriad Playout.
Click on the Off Air button (top right of Myriad Playout) to switch from Off Air to On Air.
You will briefly see a 'OCP Connecting' warning as Myriad Playout connects to OCP SE.
Once the connection is established, the status will change to On Air in Myriad Playout.
If you switch to OCP SE, you will see that the Myriad Playout system now has 'control' of OCP SE and that 'Now Playing' information is being fed to OCP SE.
If you do not see an On-Air / Off-Air button in Myriad Playout, it may be that you need to review your On-Air settings in Settings Menu > Application Settings then the On-Air Control tab.
Setting Up Your First Output In OCP SE
Now that OCP SE and Myriad 5 Playout are talking to each other, let's take a look at adding a simple output. In OCP SE, click on the Add Output button.
Next you will be asked what type of Output you want to add. Please note that the range of Outputs in standard OCP SE is limited. A much wider range of outputs are included in OCP SE Pro (see below).
Let's add a simple file output which will take a 'template file' which contains special OCP Tags and replace these tags with 'Now Playing' information before updating a 'destination' file.
Before we get started, we will need to create a template file and a destination folder. Create two folders (source & destination) in a suitable location.
In the Source folder, create a new text file called template.txt.
In the 'template.txt' file and paste the following script in the text file.
Save the file, this will be your template file for the OCP SE Output.
Back on OCP SE, click in the File / FTP output option.
You will immediately be asked for the location of your Template file.
Navigate to the 'source' folder you created earlier and select the Template.txt file. You will probably have to change the 'File Types' to 'All Files' as the default file type is http.
Next you will be asked for the location that you wish to 'output' the file to once OCP SE has added the Now Playing information.
Navigate to the 'destination' folder you created earlier and give your output file a name. Remember to set the 'Save As Type' field to the type of file you want to output.
Review the settings then click on OK.
You will then be able to review the overall Output settings, you can add additional output files in here if needed. When you are happy, click on OK.
Once the Output is enabled, it's status will change to OK.
Let's take a look at the output.txt file OCP SE has created.
As you can see the <OCP_NOW_ARTISTNAMES> and <OCP_NOW_CART_ITEMTITLE> tags have been replaced with the correct information from Myriad Playout.
What About If You Are Using The BR Player?
If you are using the BR Player to allow listeners to access your web steam (hosted with us) then there is a simple, built in 'Output' for directly connecting.
- You will need your unique API key which you can get from your BR Player Edit page.
To add a BR Player Output, click on the Add Output button.
Selected the Broadcast Radio Playout output from the list. Please note that the screen show below is from OCP Pro so has an extended list of Outputs. OCP Standard will have a smaller list but the BR Player will still be available.
Next add your unique API key and Click OK.
There is no other settings required so your BR Player Output is now fully configured.
Your BR Player will now show 'Now Playing' information.
Want To Know More?
We also have a full Myriad OCP SE User guide available. Click here to go to the User Guide article
You can few other Myriad 5 related documentation here -
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