If you need to generate copyright reports for PPL & PRS (or other supported copyright bodies, follow these steps.
- Click on Reports Menu > Play Reports.
- Use the From & To fields or the Date Selection option to select the desired time frame for the report. You can also opt to only include items played on the 'On Air' system by enabling the On Air Only option (see below).
- Click on Search the results will be displayed after a few seconds (depending on the time frame selected).
- If you are happy with the results, click on the Copyright Report option.
- This opens the Copyright Report window which will generate the Copyright Report for the selected time frame.
- Use the Report Type drop down to select the type report you want to generate. If the specific report for your Copyright body is not listed then the General Copyright Report should be used.
- Once you have selected the correct Report Type, click on the Search button.
Depending on the time frame selected, Myriad Playout can take several minutes to compile all the data for the report. You will see a progress bar displaying the the status. - Once the report is complete, the results will be listed in the report display window.
- To export the report for submission to your copyright body, click on the Export button.
- You will be asked to provide a folder location and file name for your report.
Once you have selected a suitable location and file name, click on Save. - The copyright report will be now saved in a CSV format with the appropriate fields as specified by the selected copyright body. You will get a confirmation once the save is complete.
If you wish you can open the folder location where the report was saved by clicking Yes.
You can double click on the file to open it in your default CSV application (usually Excel).
Please note that Myriad Playout will complete the report as fully as possible with the information available but obviously will not be able to complete entries for fields where there is no corresponding data for the Media Item.
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