All accounts include a simple, one page microsite to allow you to test your Web Player and provide a simple page for visitors to access your station.
To ensure your microsite is ready for visitors you should complete the following steps:
- Set the Station Settings - the logos and colour schemes set in the Station Settings will be used by the Microsite.
- Update Station Description - This is also on the Station Settings page and is used to populate the text area on your Microsite.
- Setup your Streams - You need to link your audio stream to your account so the Web Player can play your stream.
- Setup your Web Player - You need to configure the way you want your Web Player to look and the features to include.
- Setup your Schedule - If you enable the Schedule on your Web player then you will also need to add in some Shows and Presenters as well as assign the Shows to hours of the week, so the Web Player can display your schedule.
- Setup Playout Integration - You need to link your playout system (Myriad or 3rd party) to your so that 'now playing' information is displayed.
- Test Microsite - Click on Dashboard and then the Visit Website button. This will open your Microsite.
Your Microsite will look something like this.
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