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Myriad Playout v5/6
Information on installing, configuring and using Myriad Playout v5 and v6. Includes walkthroughs of common tasks.
Myriad Cloud (Azure Native)
Contains articles, documentation and tutorial videos for customers using the Myriad Cloud (native) platform.
Myriad Schedule v5/6
Articles about scheduling logs for playout using Myriad Schedule and Myriad Schedule Plus.
Myriad News v6
Information on installing, configuring and using Myriad Anywhere News and Myriad News Capture
Myriad Anywhere (Web VT, Live Shows, Scheduling etc)
This area contains articles for Myriad Anywhere customers
Myriad Logging v5
Help and articles related to Myriad 5 Logging, Recorder, Playback and Listen Again
BR Live, BR Encoder & BR Stats
BR Encoder streams your station to Icecast servers, and BR Stats helps you to monitor your web radio station's performance as well as gain valuable insight into your listener base. BR Live provide multi channel audio within Myriad Anywhere.
Broadcast.Radio (Streaming, Websites, Apps, Skills etc)
Access helpful articles and content relating to the web, app and smart speaker skill service by Broadcast Radio.
Other Utilities (SmartSign, Hardware Service, Bootstuff etc)
Access support and assistance for a range of Broadcast Radio utilities.
Myriad Playout v4 (Legacy)
Help with Myriad v4 playout installation, setup and operations.
Cloud Playout (Legacy) & VM Based Myriad Cloud Dedicated.
Documentation and tutorials for virtual machine (VM) hosted playout customers. This includes Myriad Cloud Dedicated as well as legacy B.R Cloud Radio and Cloud Playout customers.
Microsoft SQL Server
Installing, Configuring and Maintaining Microsoft SQL Server, including information on setting up Backups and keeping the databases well maintained.
PC & Network Performance & Troubleshooting
Optimise your PC and network platforms for Broadcast Radio software.
Support Policies & Supported Platforms
Includes support policies and supported OS & platforms.
Accounts & Billing
Support tutorials related to billing and accounts.
Installing Microsoft SQL Server 2019/2022
Modified on Thu, 31 Oct, 2024 at 4:19 PM
Myriad Schedule and Schedule Plus User Guide
Modified on Tue, 1 Oct, 2024 at 9:06 PM
Rodecaster Pro 2 Setup For Myriad Anywhere Pro Studio Control
Modified on Thu, 28 Nov, 2024 at 5:09 PM
Microsoft SQL Native Client
Modified on Thu, 31 Oct, 2024 at 3:54 PM