
Modified on Tue, 24 Sep, 2024 at 12:42 PM

Absolute Time Marker

A Clock Item that signifies an exact time point in the Schedule Log. When in AutoFade mode, Myriad Playout with observe Absolute Time markers by time stretching, adding / removing content or fading content early.

Advert (Ad) & Advert Breaks

Audio advertisement (also called commercials) on the Media Wall.

Advert Breaks are a type of Log Item that is used as a place holder to determine where Adverts should be scheduled into the Schedule Log.

Attributes (Type / Gender / Era)

Myriad Schedule Plus adds additional Attributes of Type, Gender and Era to allow more options for classifying Songs and Links on your system.

Audio Wall

See Cart Wall below

AutoTrack/AutoTrack Pro

4th Generation music and link scheduling system. Replaced by Myriad Schedule from Myriad 5 onwards.


Automatically generated 'promo' that includes the Hooks from one or more items in the Scheduled Log along with production elements such as jingles.

AutoFade Mode

A type of playout mode used by the Scheduled Log for automated shows. Whist in AutoFade mode, all items automatically segue into the next item. The system will also manage 'back timing' to observer timing events such as Absolute Times or the end of the hour. This is achieved by a combination of time stretching, adding/dropping content or fading content early.

Backtimed / Back Timing

When the Schedule Log is playing in AutoFade Mode, the system will automatically time stretch content, add or remove content and even fade content early in order to observe Absolute or Soft Time Markers in the Log. The system will also do this automatically to the end of the hour even if no Absolute Time marking is added for the end of the hour in the Log.

Broadcast Radio Hardware Service

This is a free application that acts as the bridge between most Boradcast Radio software and the physical world or 3rd party software & platforms. See GPIO.

Categories (Song / Link / Advert / News)

You can create top level Categories for Songs, Links, Adverts and News Media Items. These are used as the primary method for Categorising content on your Media Wall. 

You can also set a Secondary Category for Songs, Links, Adverts and News Media Items.


The generic name in Myriad v4 and earlier used to refer to any piece of audio. Could be anything from a full prerecorded show to a song down to even a small sound affect. Carts are stored on the Cart Wall. In Myriad v5 and higher, these became known as Media Items

Cart Wall

All "Carts" are stored on the "Cart Wall". The equivalent in Myriad v5 and higher is the Media Wall.

Chain Type (Red Square / Green Circle / Yellow Plus)

The Chain Type for an Item in the Schedule Log determines what happens at the end of the item.

The options are:

Red Square - Playout will pause at the end of this item.
Green Circle - Playout will automatically continue into the next item.
Yellow Plus - This item with be Swept into the Intro of the next item.

Characteristics (Energy / Tempo / Mode / Texture / Burnout)

Myriad Schedule allow you utilise up to five different Characteristics to 'describe' Songs and Links on your system. Within these Characteristics, you can set multiple 'levels' so for example you may set Tempo to have Fast, Medium and Slow. 


List of content that should be scheduled in any hour where the Clock is assigned.


  • Song - A List
  • Jingle - Sweeper
  • Song - Pop
  • Song - Choose Category to follow Category Goals
  • Advert Break - xx:20
  • Media Item - 1234 - Recorded News
  • Etc...

Clocks consist of Clock Items (Songs, Links, Adverts, Scripts etc) and Category Goals (used when specific Categories are not set).

Clock Assignment Set

Tells Myriad Schedule which Clock should be used to schedule content for that hour of the week.

Clock Rules

Set by users of AutoTrack to control which categories of songs and links can be considered to be scheduled for an hour. Works together with Global Rules to create the Schedule Log. In Myriad Schedule, Clock Rules and Global Rules are combined into Station Rules


Special type of Media Item that can trigger internal processes or external events / software, via the associated script. Commands include a simple scripting language to allow you to perform multiple tasks or conditional tasks.

Copyright Report

A reports that details the information about each song played by a radio station and submitted to a Copyright authority such as PPL, PRS, IMRO, SOCAN, IMRO, SoundExchange etc. Each country usually has it's own Copyright body/agency/boardauthority that require payments for the use of content - for example, each time you play a song by Ed Sheeran, he will receive a small payment, as will the record company that produced/published the song. You are usually responsible for obtaining a "license" from your local Copyright authority that gives you the legal right to play songs on your radio station.

Global Rules

Set by users of AutoTrack to control which songs and links can be considered to be scheduled for an hour in the Scheduled Log. For example, a Rule might be set to make sure a song cannot play until at least 2 hours after it last played. In Myriad Schedule, Clock Rules and Global Rules are combined into Station Rules

Go Button

Used to manually start the next item in the Schedule Log.

GPIO (Hardware I/O)

GPIO or General Purpose Input / Output is the generic term for signals that allow interaction between different software or hardware systems. Traditionally this cold be a physical hardware I/O for switching on or off a device but GPIO can also now include software or web based triggers.

GPIO in the Myriad Family is managed by the Broadcast Radio Service.


The Dashboard always shows the currently playing Log Item from the Scheduled Log as well as the time remaining on that item, the next X items to be played (configurable), the Chain Type for those items and the Go button.

The Dashboard is located prominently above the Schedule Log on most Layouts.


The point in a Media Item (usually near the end) where the system will trigger the next Media Item in an automated sequence. Sometimes called an aux mark, outro, cross fade point or mix point.


The portion of a Song that is most recognisable (usually a section of the chorus). Used to create promos and AutoHooks.


The portion of a Song (usually at the beginning) that can be 'swept' over (see Sweeper). typically this is the section from the beginning of the Song until the Artist starts singing.


Switching between layouts will change the way the Myriad Playout UI (user interface) will look and what tool / elements are displayed. You can switch between several included Layouts using the Layout Menu, you can also download new Layouts or even design your own!

Legal ID

Identifying name or 'call sign' for your station (usually a Link).


A Link is often also known as a Jingle in some markets and is a short piece of audio used to "link" 2 songs together. These are usually station identifiers or "positioning statements" that help the listener to identify which station they are listening to, and what the station offers - for example, a Link might be a sung "jingle" which says "Hot FM, Home of the Hits". Links can also be set as a "Sweeper" see below.

Live Mode

Live mode is the playout mode that is used when presenting live shows via the Scheduled Log. In Live mode, the presenter can control whether the system will automatically play the next item in the Schedule Log or pause at the end of the current item (know as the Chain Type). The presenter is also responsible for managing 'running to time' in Live mode. Also see Autofade Mode.

Live Read Script

Short script included in the Schedule Log (or the Scripts menu) intended to be read 'on air' during live or pre-recorded shows.

Log Items

Different types of items found in the Schedule Log.

Examples include Songs, Links, Advert Breaks, Absolute Times, Soft Times, Media Items, Scripts, AutoHooks and many more!

Media Item

Used in Myriad v5 and later to refer to single piece of audio, a small collection of separate audio items or Command items. Audio items can be any piece of audio from a simple sound effect up to a full pre-recorded show.

Media Items usually have an Item Type set to help the system determine what to do with the Media Item.

In Myriad v4 and earlier these were called Carts.

Media Item Type

Each Media Item can be set to be a single Item Type that helps the users and the system determine what the Media Item is for - for example an item might be a Basic Media Item, Link, Song, Advert, News, Stream or Voice Link.

Some Item Types have "Categories" for example Songs might be Categorised as A-List, B-List, Recurrent, whilst Link items might be categorised as "Station ID" "Wet Sweeper" "Dry Sweeper".

Media Wall

All Media Items are stored on the Media Wall. The equivalent in Myriad v4 and earlier was the Audio or Cart Wall.

Myriad Anywhere Self Hosted & Myriad Anywhere Cloud Hosted

Web based remote interface for Myriad Playout and Myriad Scheduling. Allows remote contribution and administration from a range of devices via support web browsers. Anywhere can be self hosted (ie on the stations web servers) or cloud hosted (runs on Broadcast Radio's cloud infrastructure).

Myriad Cloud

Fully cloud based, professional radio platform. Allows you to run a professional radio station without any dedicated equipment or infrastructure. All access is via web browser.

Myriad OCP/Myriad OCP Pro

Supporting software application / service that can output metadata to a range or platforms and in multiple formats. Example uses include sending 'Now Playing' information to your Web player.

Myriad Playout

Professional, windows radio software used to play music, adverts, links, streams and other content in your radio station's studio. Myriad Playout can be used to present live shows or run fully automated for unattended broadcasts.

Myriad Schedule/Myriad Schedule Plus

Songs, Link and Advert scheduling system used to generate Scheduled Log for each hour or live or automated broadcasting. Myriad Schedule combines four key elements to schedule content for your station:

  • Song / Link / Adverts Database - With content organised by Category and other Attributes.
  • Clocks - Plans or outline lists of content to schedule in an defined period (usually an hour).
  • Clock Assignments - Which Clock should be used to schedule content for a specific hour of the week.
  • Station Rules - Breakable and non-breakable rules that must be followed when scheduling content.

Myriad Schedule uses these core elements to schedule content into your Scheduled Log.

Schedule Plus adds additional Rule options, Attributes and reports for additional control over your scheduled content.

On Air Control

This is the Myriad Playout system that is playing content to your listeners. It will also be the system sending metadata (like Now Playing information) to connected digital platforms such as your Web Player.

Overall Media Start/End

Allows you to set the start and/or end point in a Media Item. All audio contained in the audio file before the Start point or after the End point will be totally ignored by Myriad Playout.

Play Logs & Copyright Reports

List of all content played by the system whether manually or as part of the Scheduled Log. You can narrow results by location or even exclude items not played 'on air'. You can also use the Play Logs to generate Copyright Reports for your governing copyright body (eg PPL etc). Accessed via the Reports menu.


The act of selecting content, based on Clocks, Clock Assignments and Rules, to be placed in a specific hour in the Scheduled Log. Scheduling is done by AutoTrack, Myriad Schedule or 3rd party scheduling systems such as RCS G-Selector.

Scheduled Log

List of scheduled content to be played in live or automated shows. Often simply refereed to as the Log, you can use the Schedule Log in either Autofade mode (for automated shows) or Live Mode (for live shows). You can add and remove content from the Scheduled Log as well as move Log Items around within the Scheduled Log.

Script / Log Note

Short script included in the Schedule Log (or the Scripts menu) intended to be read 'on air' during live or pre-recorded shows.


The way Myriad Playout will transition between two or more audio items.

Segue Editor

Tool that allows you to preview and edit the Segue between two (or three) audio based Log Items (ie Songs, Links etc).

You can adjust the way the segue will sound as well as add / edit the volume points to create a volume 'envelope' on the audio items.

You also use the Segue Editor to record, review and edit Voice Tracks.

When the Segue Editor is used to review a Sweeper or Voice Track, it expands to show three lines with the Voice Track or Sweeper in the middle and the preceding and following Log Items displayed either side (see image below).


Song is a top level Media Item Type used to identify the Media Item as a Song. Each Song on your system will have a primary and optional secondary Category plus you can assign additional Attributes if you have Schedule Plus. In addition, you can use Characteristics and Tags to further define your Songs and control how Myriad Schedule will schedule you station content.

Soft Time Marker

A Soft Time Marker is a Log Item that is used to set a partially accurate time that must be observed when the Schedule Log is in AutoFade mode.

The easiest way to describe a Soft Time is that the Schedule Log will be 'back timed' to within one Log Item of the Soft Time Marker ie if a Song is playing when the Soft Time is reached, it will be allowed to finish playing.


Term commonly used in the North America to refer to a commercial - see Adverts above.

Streaming & Stream Media Items

Audio that originates from a live stream or saved audio located on the internet and hosted as a stream. Myriad includes Stream Media Items which act like standard audio based Media Items but their audio source is a web based stream rather than an audio file on the local hard drive or network location.


A Sweeper is usually a piece of audio that contains only a "dry" voice (i.e. has no music behind it) that may or not have some limited sound effects and is suitable to play over the Intro of a song. Some stations may use 2 separate terms of "Dry Sweeper" and "Wet Sweeper" to distinguish between ones that are dry voice only to be played over a song and ones with heavier production elements in that are more suitable to be played between songs instead of over the top of them.


Tags are used to add additional classification for Songs and Links on the Media Wall. You can setup as many Tags as you need and Songs and Links can have multiple Tags enabled.


This term is commonly used to describe the process of scheduling adverts in to the Advert Breaks in the Schedule Log. If you are using Myriad Schedule to schedule your adverts then this is normally done at the same time that the Songs and Links are scheduled (but you can opt to do it closer to playout). If you are using a 3rd party advert scheduling system (often refereed to as a Trafficking system) then it common for the trafficking process to happen close to time of playout.

Please note that confusingly, traffic is not usually used in radio with regards to reports of busy roads!


SmartInfo automatically displays information to the presenter, when a Song is selected on the Media Wall or Schedule Log.

Information displayed in SmartInfo includes:

  • Song Title & Album Art
  • Wikipedia Summary & Full Information
  • Song Facts Summary (optional)
  • Station Notes (add by the Station)
  • Local Traffic & Travel Summary (optional)
  • Local Weather (optional)

Some of these information sources require API keys for third party services ( for example).

The SmartInfo panel it not displayed on all Layouts. Switch to the Widescreen Layout to view the SmartInfo panel.

Smart Transfer

Smart Transfer is a tool used to seamlessly switch playout in Myriad Playout between two studios or between a studio and automation system. Once configured, Smart Transfer enables a button in the Dashboard which allows you to select the Myriad Playout system you want to transfer 'on air' playout to. Once selected, the remote system will jump to the next Log Item in the Schedule Log and switch to the default playout mode for that hour (AutoFade or Live). At the end of the currently playing item, the local system will stop playing and drop to Standby mode (ie not playing anything), simultaneously, the remote system will start playing the next item in the Log and assume 'on air control'.

Please note that you need to make sure the audio routing is correct for your transmission chain as this is not part of the Smart Transfer process although it can trigger external GPIO to trigger a physical audio switcher. 

Song Facts

Song Facts is a 3rd party service that can provide curated information about specific Songs and Artists. You must have a Broadcast.Radio streaming account in order to enable Song Facts.

Station Rules

This allows you to define general Rules that Myriad Schedule must follow when scheduling content for your station. 

Voice Tracking (VT)

Voice Tracking is the commonly used term for recording a specific voice link between two items (usually Songs or Links), that will be played later in an automated show. The typical Voice Tracking process is as follows:

  1. Preview the end of the outgoing Song or Link.
  2. Start recording a voice link to be played specifically between these items.
  3. Start a preview of the next Song or Link.
  4. End your recording. - Steps 3 and 4 can be reversed depending on how you want your VT to sound.
  5. Make any adjustments needed for timing or volume envelop.
  6. Save to Schedule Log (and upload VT when using Anywhere).

Voice Tracking in Myriad Playout and Myriad Anywhere follows these steps via the Segue Editor.


Web Player

The Broadcast Radio Web Player provides an easy way for listeners to listen to your station's web stream on desktop and mobile devices. It is included with all Streaming packages, Website packages and all Myriad Cloud packages. You can customise the look and feel of your Web Player and easily embed it in your existing website.

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